Recording Gear
AEA: R84 ribbon
Cascade: FatHead II ribbon
Neumann/InnerTube Audio: U87ai
Neumann: TLM103
Oktava: 2500 tube (M.Joly mod) & MC-01 (2)
Shure: SM7, beta58(2), SM57(5), beta52A,
Electrovoice: PL20
BeyerDynamic: M-201, M260N, M160(2)
AudioTechnica: AT4033, AT11
Apex: 460 tube
CAD: M9 tube
MXL: 990 matching set
Rode: NT1(2), NT4 Stereo, NTK tube
Aurora GTQ II
API 312(4)
API 512b(4)
Chandler TG2
Summit 2BA-221
Joe Meek Studio Channel(2)
Drawmer 1960(2)
Demeter HM1 tube(2)
Presonus BlueTube
API 560 Graphic (2)
Aurora GTQ II
Manley Massive Passive
Speck Audio ASC-1
Joe Meek VC-1 (2)
LT Sound Parametric
Abbey Road, UK Brilliance Pack
Kush Electronics Clariphonic
AD/DA (24bits/44kHz or 48kHz)
Apogee Rosetta 800
Motu 2408 MkII
API 525
Empirical Labs Distressor
Drawmer 1968 tube (2)
UREI 1176 rev G
Abbey Road, UK TG 12413 Limiter
Drawmer 1960 tube (2)
Waves L1 Maximizer, C1+, C4
Transient Designer TD4
Valley Gatex
Joe Meek VC-1
TASCAM MS-16 1″ 16-track reel-2-reel
REAPER MultiTracking Software (don’t fear the reaper…)
Mixing Board
TASCAM TM-D8000, digital board w/Mac automation, 52 input channels, full Mix recall the control room at Studio Butte. The board is fully automated, controlled by Macintosh. DynAudio monitors reproduce the recorded music with great accuracy to support tracking and mixing. Studio Butte was established in 1990 and has helped realize over 80 music albums. We have accommodated Country bands, ear splitting Metal groups, Americana Folk artists, Mexican Norteno bands, spoken Poetry projects, experimental music, Terlingua song writers, Jazz groups and various Pinche Gringos!
Ted Arbogast, born and raised in Tucson, has enjoyed decades as principle arranger, guitarist for many styles of musical groups, moving into my passion for producing and tracking original music in 1984. The continuing mission lives in the excitement of the creative process, the producing of new and compelling music that never existed before its release. Every song that comes through the door has seeds of greatness, depth, pathos.
The work is to let the gold in each song shine. Producing takes the song’s idea further in it’s own direction. Some clients prefer to accomplish this by adding supporting voices, instruments, and effects. Sometimes, the artist’s expression is complete and beautiful with just their voice and instrument recorded precisely.

Artists and Recordings
Terlingua Musicians and Artists Terlingua Islands: Native Music of Terlingua, TX 1990
Barbara and Abraham Princess and the Cowboy 1989 (Ted Arbogast: Producer, recorded at Parrot Tracks, Austin)
Jim Stricklan Elysian Fields 1991 (Ted Arbogast: Producer, recorded in Austin)
Barbara and Abraham Gentle Winds and Distant Thunder 1991 (recorded in Austin)
Carlos Maxwell and Chihuahua Chihuahua 1992 (Ted Arbogast, Producer, recorded at Pedernales Studio)
Just Us Girls JUGS at the Starlight 1993 (location recording)
Laird Considine Ghost Tones 1996
Collie Ryan Letters From Home 1997
Los Suspiros (de Ojinaga,Mex) Los Suspiros (later became Los Bravos d.N.) Los Suspiros 1998
Minstrel Bill Burt Whispering Hope (Gospel Hymns) 1998
People Of Radical Nature PORN 1999
Aquario ’90 (de Ojinaga,Mex) Pasare por Ti 1999
Alice Knight Only in Dreams, MananaLand, One True Home, They Died Soldiers, Jazzy, Love’s Lament, Shades Of Blue, Way Out in the West, Down in Terlingua, KnightTrax IX, Songs from Texas and Environs 1990-2012!
Claude Luke the Great DoodleBug Massacre (cowboy poetry!) 1998
Danny Terry Life’s Just a Ride 1999
Dakota Doc Cowboys Ain’t Supposed to Cry 1999
Roger Cutforth/Ted Arbogast Reflections from a Desert Window 2002
Cowboy Chris Calvin Chris Calvin the Singin’ Cowboy 2002
Patricia Kearns Twisted Road 2003
John Rose John Rose 2003
Chris Muller/Ted Arbogast Torch Tunes 2004
Marina Azar/Betty McGehee Still Waters Over the Marina 2004
Tim Beck Hard on the Grout 2004
Marina Azar All About Me 2004
Beltane Falls Beltane Falls 2005
Ralph Moore A Few Moore Songs 2005
June Rapp Passage of Dreams 2006
Robyn Campbell Night of Colored Stars (Romantic Classics) 2006
Machete My Heart Pumps Disaster 2006
Marina Azar Play for Me My Guitar 2006
Hunter Gatherer Mochief 2007
Russ Strutt Big Bender 2007
Los Pinche Gringos Los Pinche Gringos 2008
Joe Pollichio Old Melodies and Distant Memories 2009
Hank Woji There Was A Time 2009
June Rapp Tea with June 2009
Tim Beck The Ballad of Tater McGullet 2010
The Bent Lovehandles Sacred Order Of The Broken Hearts 2010
Dr. Fun Sanctuary Terlingua 2011
Ray Tarantino You F#cked It Up Again, Wish You Were Here, A Whole Texas to Go 2012
Hank Woji Holy Ghost Town 2012
Laird Considine Songs from the Wilderness 2013
Alpine Community Orchestra, Marilyne Crill-Dieckert, Dir. Brahms Meets the Big Bend 2012 (location recording)
Jeff Haislip Peace On Earth 2013
Uh, Clem Uh Clem Live at the Starlight! 2013 (mixed and mastered)
Terlingua Community Musicians Merry Texas Christmas 2013
Morris Allen Maverick Life 2013
Hank Woji The Working Life 2014
June Rapp Ocean Notes 2014
Laird Considine Darkness and Lightness 2015
Jeff Haislip Fiesta Protesta! 2015
Two Left Feet (Hello Sanderson!) MultiHundredAires 2015 (in current production)
Call Studio Butte to book your time
Studio Butte!
Consider recording your music in the vast and wild West Texas desert, in a country not quite the U.S. and not quite Mexico. Room to create, inspiring and relaxed environment.
Rates: $20/hr. $140/day,lockout
Ted Arbogast
P O BOX 304
Terlingua,Texas 79852
1-432-371-2263 (h)
1-432-386-0351 (c)